
Welcome to our site. Offering top-notch dog training day care & boarding services . Thank you for choosing us!
About Us

Ms. Babara Stubbs
Dog Behaviour Therapist
Founder of Stubsdale Dog Care Center
Stubsdale Dog Training was established in 1975 by Ms. Barbara Stubbs, who is a founding member of the Bahamas Kennel Club. For more than 20 years, has organized obedience competitions at the annual dog show and obedience trials. Additionally, Ms. Stubbs has been involved in the Bahamas Humane Society's Junior workshops and has contributed to various community demonstrations and educational programs.

Mr. Devlyn Stubbs
Dog Behavior Therapist
Director at Pat's Nature Garden
Mr. Stubbs has over 25 years of professional dog training experience, developing a passion for dog care and training from a young age. He holds a Pet Trainer I certification and a B.A. in Philosophy, as well as The Ministry of Youth's; Youth Leader and Camp Counselor Certifications. Additionally, Mr. Stubbs played a key role in coordinating Natures Summer Camp & School Club, as well as 'Potcake Assisted Therapy', both of which are now managed by Pat's Nature Garden Inc.


Training Programs & Community Outreach

Private Courses:
Train & Board

Group Courses:
Beginner & Advanced Obedience Socialization & Agility

Working Dog: Personal Protection & Guard Dog Training

Stray Dog Initiative:
Services Dog Training
Therapy Dog Visits

Youth Programs:
Job Training
Summer Camp
School Club

Community Outreach: New Providence & Family Island Seminars & Workshops
Professional Dog Training Courses
for Your Family!

Welcome to our comprehensive range of services! We are proud to offer a variety of options to meet your needs, including training, boarding, daycare, walking, sitting, taxi, chaperone, executive and corporate services, community youth programs, competitions and demonstrations, therapy visits, and educational programs. Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing the highest level of care and service to you your furry friends.
Private Courses
- Private 5 Week Obedience & Socialization
- Instruction Only or With Handling
- Home Visitation
- Free Group Classes
- One Time Consultation
- Train & Board
- Potty & House Manners
We offer a range of professional dog training services, including Beginner Obedience & Socialization, Advanced Obedience, Potcake (K9) Good Citizen, Public Access Training, Therapy Dog Certification, Service Dog , Personal Protection, and Guard Dog Training. Our experienced instructors provide expert instruction and handling to help your dog reach their full potential. Contact us today to learn more about our and schedule a consultation
Group Courses
We offer two locations for your convenience: Sherwood Drive San Souci and Stapledon School Dolphin Drive, Nassau Bahamas. Our classes are held on Sundays for 6 weeks, with limited availability of 10 persons per class. We cover Basic to Advanced Obedience, Socialization, Agility, Therapy, Service Dog Training, and Competition Prep. Join us for a professional and comprehensive training experience.

Therapy Dog Sessions
Our therapy dog visits are designed to enhance cognitive and learning abilities, promote greater confidence and independence, and improve overall health and wellness by lowering or stress levels. We offer visits to schools, homes, offices, community centers, and correctional facilities, and our trainer certification program is a prerequisite for our Service Dog Program Join us for scheduled visits in the community and experience the benefits of our therapy dogs firsthand.

We Teach You To Train Your Dog!

Doggy Day Care & Boarding
$40 Daily Rate
$35 Weekly Rates - Per Day
$30 Monthly Rates - Per Day
stubsdale@gmail.com. Thank you for considering our service for your beloved. Offeromg daily, weekly, and monthly rates for your furry friend. Our home-based service ensures that your dog stays in a comfortable and low-traffic environment, just like one of our own. With limited space available, we recommend reserving your spot once you've confirmed your travel arrangements. For more information and booking, please contact us at 242-828-9731 or


Professor Bridget Hogg
Director at Pat's Nature Garden
Coordinator at Potcake Assisted Therapy
Professor Hogg iis a veteran Bahamian educator, having served at R.M. Bailey, The College of
The Bahamas and The University of The Bahamas for a total of 36 years.. She loves being in
the education field, working to serve her students and , through them, do her part in contributing
to the development of our nation.
She has an International Baccalaureate, from the United World College of The Atlantic ,
Teaching Certificate from the Joint Board of Teacher Education, UWI, a Bachelor of Science
degree with Honours and a Master’s degree through the Tropical Metabolism Research Unit of
the University of The West Indies.
Her professional roles have included Academic Advisor, Researcher, Department Head,
Chairperson, Academic Senator and Trustee.
Professor Hogg serves as a mentor to youth in science locally and to early career women
internationally through the Commonwealth of Learning, Commonwealth Wise Women Project.
These are ways that she gives back to help build a brighter future.
Potcake Assisted Therapy (P.A.T.) is for all however our program provides services in corporate spaces, families, for at-risk youth, shut-ins, medical patients, students with special needs, and senior citizens. Our qualified Trainer/dog teams visit Stapledon School on Tuesday mornings to support the students' Individual Lesson Plans. P.A.T. is coordinated by Dog Behavioural Therapist Devlyn Stubbs, and Professor Bridgette Hogg. Our therapy dogs Frappe and Xena have successfully passed their Potcake (k9) Good Citizen and Public Access Tests; our standard therapy dog requirements. The program was launched during the spring 2023 with mixed rescue dog Melinda and her trainer Anita 'Delta' Moncur. By the fall of 2023 to Spring semester of 2024 , the program had grown to include mixed breed Xena and her trainer Mr. Stubbs, along with potcake Frappe and her trainer Professor Hogg.
Nature's Summer Camp and School Club is a unique program that offers children the opportunity to learn about dog training and key areas in the agricultural industry. The camp features a range of exciting activities and learning opportunities such as trips to the Bahamas Humane Society, Sinclaire's Farm, Bay Teas Backyard Farm, Fine Threads Farm, Claridge Farms, Edgars Seedtime & Harvest Farm, various national parks, and other conservation based field trips. The overall focus is on farming, animal care, and health & wellness. Significant milestones, include the cultivation of on-campus produce and vegetable gardens at Woodcock Primary, Sadie Curtis, Harbour Island All Age, and Garvin Tynes Primary Schools. The Nature Summer Camp was held at Garvin Tynes Primary from July 1st to 26th 2024 for students aged 8-17 years old. Among other sponsors such as Pyramid Cinematics, BWA, Briland Animal Rescue, the program is in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth,